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Missionaries to The South Pacific

Mark & Kim Gardner

Broadening Our Outreach

After spending almost 20 years in Angola and Namibia we have relocated to Fiji, a fantastic hub for reaching the many Polynesian islands.  Our Core ministry is Children's Evangelism and Discipleship, and now we are also engaged in raising up and mentoring other missionaries to the Polynesian Nations of the Pacific.

Ready, Aim, Fire!

We live in a neighborhood where most of our neighbors are Hindus.  We love them and are shining Christ to them.

We partner with the churches here to cast vision, demonstrate the Kingdom, and resource the believers to raise up a generation of children who are born again, filled with the Spirit, and activated in Supernatural ministry.

Children's Ministry

Our definition of Children’s Ministry is not just our ministering to children, but includes the intentional involvement of children in Ministry.  Ministry to the Lord in prayer, praise, and worship, and then ministry to other children and families.  That is effective ministry indeed!

Our Story

Over the last 20 years we have been involved in Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry on the Continent of Africa. We have considered ourselves soul winners and church planters. The emphasis of our ministry has been on winning children and youth to Christ and on training churches to do that as well.


We have partnered with churches to reach kids for Christ through School Assemblies, Open Air Outreaches, Camps, Church BGMC Fun Days, Television, Sunday School Rallies, and Mid-Week Community Programs.


We consider our ministry to be successful when we have trained and equipped others to do the work of the ministry. Over our last term we were challenged to not only disciple adults into the work of the ministry, but to train and equip children as well.


A child who is involved in ministry will become a youth who is involved in ministry. And a youth who is involved in ministry will not leave the church when he/she grows and leaves home. He/she will become an adult who stays in church and continues to be involved in ministry.


To bring kids into an encounter with the Holy Spirit so that they can know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and being thus empowered can minister to others.


FIJI: (+679) 234 9544  (C)

P.O. Box 11049

Nadi Airport, FIJI


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